Sunday, July 24, 2005

Everytown Wisconsin

It's that time of year when every thing starts revolving around Everytown in our house. Great to see everyone the other night - we are keeping our fingers crossed for enough money and enough delegates to grow the important work of Everytown.

Everytown Wisconsin is a week-long conference for high school age leaders who are interested in finding ways to challenge racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism and ableism.

While promoting appreciation, respect and understanding among people of diverse cultural traditions, Everytown provides training in ways to recognize and heal the hurts that divide us.

Young people(age 15-18) from throughout Wisconsin and from diverse ethnic, faith, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds live together during the six day Everytown program. Delegates and caring staff together create a community based on inclusiveness, respect and understanding.

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