Saturday, July 09, 2005

Boing Boing: Pixar artists launch indie comix company, blogs at Comic Con

Several artists from Pixar are joining forces to create comic book titles as E-Ville Press (short for Emeryville, where Pixar headquarters are located). Their work debuts at Comic Con in San Diego, July 13-17. Several titles will have corresponding blogs. Most of the artwork was digitally generated.

Titles include:
Colossus by Mark Andrews - A knight's soul is trapped in a war machine's metal body, and faces a kingdom's evil paladin.

Rose and Isabel by Ted Mathot - A story of two sisters who join the American Civil War to save their three brothers.

Afterworks - an anthology of short stories by Simon Dunsdon, Robert Kondo, Nate Stanton, Max Brace, Kevin O'Brien, Sanjay Patel, Louis Gonzales and Jay Shuster.

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