Friday, July 05, 2013

Why you might not (or might) like to travel with me.

I can't keep a schedule.  I try.  I have a list.  But the smallest thing can distract me - for hours.  That can be before I even get out of my neighborhood.  And suddenly that place I was actually on my way too doesn't seem all that important.  I mean do I actually HAVE to see those paintings when this is happening NOW?

So today I happened across L'église de la Madeleine.  (Interesting history in retrospect.) Who can resist a building with a field of pink geraniums gracing its front?

Once inside it is apparent that something is going on and I sit down to watch.  The amazing sculptures behind the altar in the apse - are electric blue and smokey.  Lots of activity on the altar - and suddenly music.  I'm at a rehearsal for a concert that is probably taking place as I write this....

Not sure who these people were or what they were singing - Max or Virg - if you are reading this let me know, okay?  Totally familiar to me in some ways, having sung in a choir and been a part of rehearsals like this.  Look at the hands of the woman leading the choir - they are so elegant and beautiful, aren't they?  These spaces were made for music.   

I was reading something the other day... (will have to look for it - no clue where it was) talking about how the creation of the printed book had replaced cathedral as a place for people to connect to the Sacred.  It makes sense on one hand... but like so many other things, they do not get replaced as much as just go through the evolutionary process of turning into something else.  

The entire experience was a wonderful way to spend the late afternoon.

la Madeleine from Leslie Fedorchuk on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Shelagh said...

Lovely AND my favorite way to travel.