Friday, May 09, 2008

Marsh's Library in Dublin

Marsh's Library, originally uploaded by lesliefedorchuk.

Built in 1701 byt Archbishop Narcissus Marsh...this is the first public library in Ireland and one of the earliest in the islands. There are four main collections consisting of 25,000 books relating to the 16th, 17th, and early 18th c.'s.

There are about 300 manuscripts...including one on the lives of the Irish saints that was written in 1400.

We spent a pleasant time can't actually TOUCH anything without permission ahead of time....but there was a wonderful display of books related to China (EAST MEETS WEST)....and Maurizio had a lovely chat with the librarian about beer while I LOOKED and LOOKED and LOOKED.

We drink a Guinness every night. We drove by the brewery in Dublin...but did not stop - as Maurizio was driving .... and giving the Roman Empire salute at the same time.... (his own particular Mecca) .... it was probably for the best.

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